Methods & properties
mainAnimation: Animation
Stores an animation that runs on the total duration of all the Animation
instances, and as such it’s the main Animation.
targetIndexes: WeakMap<Node, number>
The indexs of target Elements in Animate
keyframeEffects: WeakMap<HTMLElement, KeyframeEffect>
A WeakMap of KeyFrameEffects
computedOptions: WeakMap<HTMLElement, TypeComputedOptions>
The computed options for individual animations A WeakMap that stores all the fully calculated options for individual Animation instances.
Note: the computedOptions are changed to their proper Animation instance options, so, some of the names are different, and tions that can’t be computed are not present. E.g. fillMode in the animation options is now just fill in the computedOptions.
Note: keyframes are not included, both the array form and the object form; the options, speed, extend, padEndDelay, and autoplay animation options are not included
animations: WeakMap<KeyframeEffect, Animation>
A WeakMap of Animations
computedKeyframes: WeakMap<HTMLElement, TypeKeyFrameOptionsType> = new WeakMap()
The keyframes for individual animations
A WeakMap that stores all the fully calculated keyframes for individual Animation instances.
Note: the computedKeyframes are changed to their proper Animation instance options, so, some of the names are different, and options that can’t be computed are not present. E.g. translateX, skew, etc…, they’ve all been turned into the transform property.
minDelay: number
The smallest delay out of all Animation
’s, it is zero by default.
maxSpeed: number
The smallest speed out of all Animation
’s, it is zero by default.
on(…), off(…), and emit(…)
These methods are inherited from @okikio/emitter. They control events and their listeners. The only difference is that by default their scopes are set to the instance of Animate
import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET animate } from "@okikio/animate";
target: ".div",
easing: "linear",
duration: (index) => 8000 + index * 200,
loop: true,
transform: ["rotate(0deg)", "rotate(360deg)"],
// For more info. on what you can do with the Event Emitter go to [],
// I implemented the `on`, `off`, and `emit` methods from the Event Emitter on `Animate`.
anim.on("complete", () => ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET
// This is a built in event
.on("update", (progress) => ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET
"It runs every animation frame while the animation is running and not paused."
console.log(`Progress ${progress}%`); // Eg: Progress 10%
console.log("When the animation is played");
console.log("When the animation is paused");
console.log("The cool event isn't a built in event, but it will fire when the Animation is paused.");
is(playstate: TypePlayStates)
Returns a boolean determining if the animate
instances playstate is equal to the playstate
play(), pause(), reverse(), and reset()
They are self explanatory, the play/pause
methods play/pause animation, the reverse
method causes all animation to reverse directions, while the reset
method resets the progress of an animation.
The long list of Get Methods
getAnimation(target: HTMLElement): Animation
Allows you to select a specific animation from an element
getTiming(value: HTMLElement | Animation): EffectTiming | AnimationOptions
Returns the timings of an Animation, given a target. E.g. { duration, endDelay, delay, iterations, iterationStart, direction, easing, fill, etc... }
getCurrentTime(): number
Returns the current time of the animation of all elements
getProgress(): number
Returns the progress of the animation of all elements as a percentage between 0 to 100.
getPlayState(): string
Returns the current playing state, it can be "idle" | "running" | "paused" | "finished"
getSpeed(): number
Return the playback speed of the animation
The almost as long list of Set Methods; these methods are chainable
setCurrentTime(time: number)
Sets the current time of the animation
setProgress(percent: number)
Similar to setCurrentTime
except it use a number between 0 and 100 to set the current progress of the animation
setSpeed(speed: number = 1)
Sets the playback speed of an animation
then(…), catch(…), and finally(…)
They represent the then, catch, and finally methods of a Promise that is resolved when an animation has finished. It’s also what allows the use of the await/async
keywords for resolving animations. The then
method resolves to the Animations Options, which can then be passed to other Animate
instances to create animations with similar properties. Then, catch, and finally are chainable, they return the Animate
An alias for options
all(method: (animation: Animation, target?: HTMLElement) => void)
Calls a method that affects all animations including the mainAnimation; the method only allows the animation parameter
For example,
// This is a small snippet from the setCurrentTime() method
this.all((animation: Animation) => ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET
animation.currentTime = 5;
Forces all Animations to finish, and triggers the finish
Cancels all Animations, it just runs the cancel method from each individual animation including the mainAnimation; it triggers the cancel
Cancels all Animations and de-references them, allowing them to be garbage collected in a rush. It also emits a stop
event to alert you to the animation stopping.
The stop
method is not chainable.
Warning: if you try to reference properties from the Animate
class after stop has been called many things will break. The Animate
class cannot and will not recover from stop, it is meant as a final trash run of animations, don’t use it if you think you may restart the animation.