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@okikio/native is a js framework for creating amazing web experience through composable services, it acts as a sort of guideline on how to create great web experiences that integrate into the system in a way that feels cohesive and natural, in total it weighs ~7.21 KB (minified & gzipped).

Note: @okikio/native is treeshakable, so only the features you need actually get bundled into your project. The absolute minimum functional treeshaken size is ~1.75 KB (minified & gzipped).

The idea behind @okikio/animate is that, when an application feels native/natural, it means that it integrates well into the OS and just works, for example, an apps dark mode that follows the entire system. The just works aspect is key to the framework, it should work without the user skipping a beat. On the web this boils down to being performant, efficient, and relegating to the browser as much as possible.

The @okikio/native package achieves performance, high efficiency, and a natural experience by being heavily modern (relying on passive polyfills to support older browsers) and being well optimized.

@okikio/native uses modern browser api’s like the Maps, pushState, etc… to achieve high efficiency and performance, however, some of the browser API’s can be difficult to work with, so, I developed @okikio/manager, @okikio/emitter, and @okiko/animate libraries to make them more managable. I developed these libraries to ensure the framework is well optimized and to avoid large numbers of dependencies.

Getting Started

@okikio/native was inspired by Rezo Zero’s - Starting Blocks project, and barbajs. Both libraries had a major impact on the development of this project. barbajs is easy to use and elevates the experience of a site with the use of PJAX, while Starting Blocks uses modern apis to create performant but complex web experiences. This project exists as a more flexible alternative to Starting Blocks, but with the same intuitive design and experience (UX/DX) barbajs provides. @kikio/animate doesn’t need PJAX to function, and best of all if PJAX is enabled it can safely switch back to normal browser controls if something goes wrong.

Note: if you don’t know what a PJAX is I suggest checking out MoOx/pjax; in short, PJAX allows for smooth transitions between pages by switching out DOM Elements, after fetching them.


You can install @okikio/native from npm via

npm i @okikio/native
yarn add @okikio/native


pnpm i @okikio/native

You can use @okikio/native on the web via:

Once installed it can be used like this:

// There is,
//      .cjs - Common JS Module
//      .mjs - Modern ES Module
//      .js - IIFE
import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET App, PJAX } from "@okikio/native";
import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET App, PJAX } from "https://unpkg.com/@okikio/native";
import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET App, PJAX } from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@okikio/native";
// Or
import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET App, PJAX } from "https://cdn.skypack.dev/@okikio/native";

// Via script tag
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@okikio/native/lib/api.js"></script>
// Do note, on the web you need to do this, if you installed it via the script tag:
const ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET App, PJAX } = window.native;

Demo & Showcase

View the Demo →


By default @okikio/native is very open ended in how you use it. You first create a new App, and then add Services, the App is the boss of the operation, while Services are workers that accomplish specific tasks.

For example,

import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET App, Service, getConfig } from "@okikio/native";

    serviceOptions: "Some Options",
    containerAttr: "container"

// Read more about Service in API section
// This basically shows off all the methods ExampleService inherited from being a Service that extends ManagerItem
class ExampleService extends Service ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET
    /** The constructor doesn't do anything by default, but you can add stuff to it */

    /** Register the current Service's manager */
    register(manager, key) ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET

        /** The AdvancedManager the Service is attached to */
        this.manager = manager;

        /** The App the Service is attached to */
        this.app = manager.app;

        /** The Config of the App the Service is attached to */
        this.config = manager.config;

        /** The EventEmitter of the App the Service is attached to */
        this.emitter = manager.emitter;

        /** The key to where Service is stored in an AdvancedManager */
        this.key = key;

        return this;

    /** Run after the Service has been registered */

        // All methods called after install have access to App event emitter, properties, Services, and Config
        console.log(getConfig(this.config, "containerAttr", true)); //= "[data-container]"

     * This method is called by the ServiceManager, so don't worry about it
    /** Called before the start of a Service, represents a constructor of sorts */

     * This method is called by the ServiceManager, so don't worry about it
    /** Called on start of Service */

    /** Initialize events */
        // The "ready" event is defined by the App class, that only runs when the DOM is fully ready
        // The App class also defines a "scroll", and "resize" event
        // but those events are throttled to give the best performance
        this.emitter.on("ready", () => ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET

    /** Stop events */

        // Normally you would remove events and their event listeners here
        // But it's best not remove `ready` as it's an App wide event

    /** Basically removes a Service, in order to recover the Service, it needs to be re-added to the App class */

        // Remove everything, make sure there are no more reference to these objects
        // in order to ensure everything works well
        this.key = null;
        this.manager = null;
        this.app = null;
        this.config = null;
        this.emitter = null;

    /** Run before the Service has been unregistered */

     * This method `can be` called by the ServiceManager but you can also call it when you wish
    /** Stop Service */


    .add(new ExampleService())
    // or
    .set("ExampleService", new ExampleService());

    console.log(app.get("ExampleService")) //= ExampleService { ... }

    app.on("resize", () => ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET
        console.log("App resizing");


Read through the API guide to learn more.


If you would like to use PJAX on your site you would probably want a setup like this,

Setup your HTML pages with this,

    <!-- put here content that will not change
    between your pages, like <header> or <nav> -->

    <main data-wrapper>
        <!-- put here the content you wish to change
        between your pages, like your main content <h1> or <p> -->

        <!-- This will be prefetched on hover, and clicking on it will start the Fade transition -->
        <a href="./about.html" data-transition="fade">About</a>

        <!-- This won't be prefetched nor will PJAX run when clicked -->
        <a href="./other.html" data-prevent="self">Other</a>

        <!-- This will use the default replace transition, and will scroll to #image-5 -->
        <a href="./other.html#image-5">Last</a>

    <!-- put here content that will not change
    between your pages, like <footer> -->

Then add this to your javascript,

import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET App, PJAX, TransitionManager, HistoryManager, PageManager, Router } from "@okikio/native";
import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET animate } from "@okikio/animate";
const app = new App();

//= Fade Transition
    name: "default",

    // Fade Out Old Page
        let fromWrapper = from.wrapper;

            target: fromWrapper,
            opacity: [1, 0],
            duration: 500,

    // Fade In New Page
        let toWrapper = to.wrapper;

            target: toWrapper,
            opacity: [0, 1],
            duration: 500

    // Note only these 3 Services must be set under the names specified
    .set("HistoryManager", new HistoryManager())
    .set("PageManager", new PageManager())
    .set("TransitionManager", new TransitionManager([
        ["fade", Fade],

    // The names of these Services don't really matter
    .set("Router", new Router())
    .add(new PJAX());

    // Router is a router, depending on the page path it will run certain tasks
    // It support regexp and paths that `path-to-regex` supports, 
    // however, I might refactor it to use the new `URLPattern` web standard in a future update. 
    // `URLPattern` accomplishes the same goal in a similar way to `path-to-regex` without needing to install `path-to-regex`. 
    // I suggest learning more about `URLPattern` on https://web.dev/urlpattern/
    const router = app.get("Router");
        path: "./index?(.html)?",
            console.log("Run on Index page");

    // Note these events are emitted by the PJAX Service
            console.log("Print a value on hover over link")
            console.log("Print something when a link is clicked")
            console.log("Print before you start loading pages")
        // etc...

    // While this event is emitted by the App
    app.on("resize", () => ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET
        console.log("App resizing");


Read through the API guide to learn more.


The wrapper is the element with the data-wrapper attribute; it’s the part of the page that get’s switched out with new content. There can only be one wrapper per page, if there are multiple wrappers the first wrapper will count as the wrapper for the page.

Read through the API guide to learn more.


@okikio/native comes with some default configuration but these can be changed, by default these are the configurations it comes with. You can also create your own custom configurations.

     * The Prefix attached to data attributes
    prefix?: string;

     * The attribute used to identify wrappers
     * @default `wrapper` as in `data-wrapper`
    wrapperAttr?: string;

     * Headers to attach to fetch requests done by the PageManager
     * e.g. if you only want to load a partial output containing only the wrapper
     * @default `[]`
     * @example
     * ```ts
     * headers: [
     *      ["partial-output", "true"]
     * ]
     * ```
    headers?: string[][];

     * Attribute used to identify anchors that don't want PJAX enabled
     * @default `prevent="self"` as in `data-prevent="self"`
    preventSelfAttr?: string;

     * Attribute used to identify elements that don't want PJAX enabled for themeselves and their child elements
     * @default `prevent="all"` as in `data-prevent="all"`
    preventAllAttr?: string;

     * Attribute used to identify transition an anchor wants to use, the value you set will select the transition used by name
     * _**Note**: transition names are case sensitive_
     * @default `transition` as in `data-transition`
    transitionAttr?: string;

     * The amount of time in milliseconds to wait before counting the PageManagers fetch requests as timed out
     * @default `2000`
    timeout?: number;

     * The maximum amount of pages to have in the cache at any moment in time;
     * PageManager removes pages from the cache to ensure content doesn't become stale;
     * and memory usage isn't too high
     * @default `5`
    maxPages?: number;

     * The resize event is debounced by this amount of time (in miliseconds)
     * @default `100`
    resizeDelay?: number;

     * Ignore extra clicks of an anchor element if a transition has already started
     * by default PJAX will reload the page on multiple clicks but this allows you to stop extra clicks
     * from affecting the current transition
     * @default `true`
    onTransitionPreventClick?: boolean;

     * Specifies which urls to always fetch from the web
     * It also accepts boolean values:
     * - `true` means always fetch from the web for all urls
     * - `false` means always try to fetch from the cache
     * @default `false`
    cacheIgnore?: boolean | IgnoreURLsList;

     * Specifies which urls to not prefetch
     * It also accepts boolean values:
     * - `true` means don't prefetch any anchor
     * - `false` means always prefetch all anchors
     * @default `false`
    prefetchIgnore?: boolean | IgnoreURLsList;

     * Specifies which urls to not use PJAX for
     * @default `[]`
    preventURLs?: boolean | IgnoreURLsList;

     * On page change (excluding popstate events, and hashes) keep current scroll position
     * @default `false`
    stickyScroll?: boolean;

     * Force load a page if an error occurs
     * @default `true`
    forceOnError?: boolean;

     * Don't do anything if the url has a hash
     * @default `false`
    ignoreHashAction?: boolean;

     * TransitionManagers regestered transitions
     * @default `[]`
    transitions?: Array<[string, ITransition]>;
    [key: string]: any;

Read through the API guide to learn more.

Animations & extras

When using PJAX on sites you may want to use an animation library to transition between pages, (slight shameless plug 1) might I suggest @okikio/animate. You can use @okikio/animate to create smooth and fluid transtions, however, you aren’t limited to just @okikio/animate, you can use any other animation libraries, or if you are daring you can also just use CSS for your transitions.

By default @okikio/native doesn’t come bundled with @okikio/animate, @okikio/emitter, and @okikio/manager. Theses packages are all part of the native initiative, together with @okikio/native, but to reduce package size I separated them.

import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET App } from "@okikio/native";
import ASTRO_ESCAPED_LEFT_CURLY_BRACKET animate } from "@okikio/animate";
// ...

Read through the API guide to learn more.

Browser & Node Support

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Note: This package is built for ES2020, it expects the user to use a build tool to support older versions of browsers, the idea being most people are using evergreen browsers, so, why are web developers piling on polyfill code that most users don’t need.

Learn about polyfilling, bundling, and more in the browser support guide.


If there is something I missed, a mistake, or a feature you would like added please create an issue or a pull request on the beta branch and I’ll try to get to it.

Read through the contributing documentation for detailed guides.


See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).

  1. A “shameless plug” is a term often used on the Internet to refer to a time when someone tries to include (or “plug”) some information that helps advance their own selfish interests. And that information is usually a little bit off-topic.